Cryothane Update #1

The First Devlog on Cryothane is about what I already have and what I am planning on doing before the next log!

Welcome to a Cryothane blog post!
I am here to discuss some of the progress I have made. Screenshots are provided!

As mentioned in the page on Cryothane I am using Godot 4.2.x. I will keep this project updated because godot is making major moves and aren't slowing down for what I have seen. I have tried unreal and unity in the past and I won't use unity because I don't need all the features and I don't need unreal because I don't see my game being that visually impressive.

Gameplay (maybe)
Well as of now there isn't a lot. Therefor I have given myself a year to work on this project before having to release a demo!  Well as mentioned Cryothane will be set on a frozen world. But normal cold without variation will be boring. So like in any environment you have seasons and local changes. I am thinking about having a system where if there is a snow storm somewhere else it could cause it to be colder near you or some wind sound effect to play because reasons.

Here's an example of an switch. Lets say you are in a level and you need to unlock a door or stop all the lights from consuming power... this toggles all of them!

3D Assets
Making assets for this game has been difficult. I have made some simple ones that I made a few weeks back as a test to see if I still knew how to use Blender. My goal is to have a low poly look. I really like the style and could be easy enough to make.


So what is next?
Well I want for the next dev log to be able to show off the full inventory system, I had ideas of doing it like how Metro Exodus did. A.K.A having 2 numbers keep track of resources and have your attachments set to be unlocked for your guns when you pick them up. Then I was like "No". I want it to be kinda like it, the weapon stuff is fine with picking up, Don't want you to hoard weapons. You can scan them and craft them for your armory in your vehicle. But having 10 guns to never have to reload is not the goal. Other than that I will be working on 3d models (maybe even some UI)!

Read more about cryothane!
Tools mentioned (that I actually use) :


Posted On: April 25th, 2024

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